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NJSLA – New Jersey Student Learning Standards Assessment

The NJSLA replaced PARCC in New Jersey. The assessments are designed to assess a student’s mastery of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards  for ELA/Literacy and Mathematics.  At the high school level, students are assessed in ELA/Literacy in grades 9 thru 11.  For Mathematics at the high school level, students are assessed if they are enrolled in the Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II.  The NJSLA assessments will be delivered during one testing window. The specific testing dates for JDHS students will be posted on the school and district calendar. 

PSAT - Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test 

SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test 

ACT - American College Testing Assessment
Some colleges, usually those in the Far West and Midwest, require the ACT in place of the SAT.  The assessment includes teats in English, Mathematics, Reading and Science reasoning.  Registration materials and information booklets are available in the Guidance Office.

AP - Advanced Placement Program
The AP Program provides students with the opportunity to study one or more college-level courses and then, depending on examination results, to receive advanced placement, credit, or both when they enter college.  The AP Examinations are administered in 16 subject areas each May.  Generally, only students enrolled in AP classes take these exams.

     Information for Students: 

     Information for Parents: