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Schedules can be obtained by going to Schedule Star.

Fall Cheerleading Head Coach:
Caitlin Gibson
Assistant Coach:
Danielle Elia

Winter Cheerleading Head Coach:
Ashley Campos
Assistant Coach


The expectations of the Dayton Cheerleading program are to provide opportunities for participation in a wide variety of activities during every sport and competition season. It is expected to be an integral, well coordinated part of the secondary school curriculum and assist participants in the development of athletic and leadership skills. It is expected that all athletes follow appropriate standards of behavior and all rules and regulation of the cheerleading team and Jonathan Dayton High School.


  • Each cheerleader will follow the conduct guidelines explained in the cheerleading contract.
  • Each regular season practice missed results in revoked participation for half of a game, summer practices missed will result in revoked participation for a quarter of a game.
  • In order to earn a varsity letter, varsity team cheerleaders must participate in 70% of the games we attend.
  • As a member of JDHS Fall Cheerleading, attendance is required at all home and away football games.
  • As a member of JDHS Winter Cheerleading, attendance is required at all home varsity basketball games (girls and boys).
  • As a member of JDHS Cheerleading, attendance and participation is required for fundraisers/activities during the cheerleading season, missing or nonattendance will result in an unexcused absence.
  • Absences should be avoided when possible.
  • Absences may be excused by a note from a doctor if you had an appointment prior to a game/event (if you are absent on a Friday, you will be absolved from cheering on a Saturday game).
  • To participate in a game, you must be in school for a full day prior to the game (if you are absent on a Friday, you will be absolved from cheering on Saturday).
  • Absences due to work schedules are unexcused. Jobs must work around the cheer squad schedule.
  • Each cheerleader is expected to arrive at each game with full uniform (this includes shells, skirts, cheer shoes, rain gear, warm ups, under armor, and bow). Cheerleaders will not be permitted to participate without appropriate cheer attire, this will result in an unexcused absence.
  • For games, practices, and events hair must be secured out of the eyes and face.
  • Chewing gum or eating is prohibited while cheering.
  • Jewelry is not permitted while performing at any time for the safety of each individual cheerleader.
  • Stunting is prohibited without the presence of a coach.
  • Tardiness to practice will result in revoked participation in a game for a quarter.
  • Nails need to be kept at an athletic length for the safety of each individual cheerleader, acrylic nails can cause injury to the person wearing them or another cheerleader therefore are not permitted.
  • The school provides uniforms and must be machine-washed in between games and prior to returning to the school.
  • Cheerleaders must wear their uniforms or team-designated outfit to school on game days. Uniforms and warm ups may NOT be worn to social gatherings.
  • Placement for performance and cheer lines will be based on participation, ability and effort. At the time of the performance, if a team member does not have the routine clean enough for performance they may be asked to sit out.
  • Cheerleaders are not allow to drive to away games or competitions. They must rider in either school transportation or authorized transportation.
  • Cheerleaders are expected to understand all of the misconduct offenses and consequences described in the Jonathan Dayton High School student handbook.
  • Use of underage alcoholic consumption, drug use, use of tobacco products, steroids or any other controlled substances may result may be grounds for immediate dismissal from the team.
  • Failure to leave a party, function, location or event where the aforementioned items are evidenced by a team member may result in immediate dismissal from the team.


Program Standards & Regulations

Cheerleaders understand that teamwork and the maintenance of discipline is key to the success of the spirit program. Cheerleaders are dedicated to promoting spirit, enthusiasm, and a positive winning attitude through example. Adherence to the Cheer Program Rules and Regulations is vital to achieving these goals. All members realize that the manner in which they conduct themselves, in or out of uniform, directly reflects on the entire team and school.

It is recognized that these standards are necessary to maintain squad morale, squad and individual discipline, and effective learning. Consistent enforcement of rules and regulations is also necessary to ensure the safety and general well being of each individual cheerleader. Participation in the cheerleading program is voluntary, not mandatory It is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked by the school personnel when a cheerleader violates the rules and regulations. In addition, no player has an inevitable right to any position. Positions are earned based on performance during practice and try-out evaluations.


Practice Times

Prior to first game--Monday-Thursday 6:00-8:00, After first game--Monday-Friday 4:00-6:00

Prior to first game-- Monday-Friday 4:00-6:00, After first game--Monday's 4:00-6:00

Events JDHS Cheerleading Annually Participates in

  • Union County Cheers for Charity Annual Showcase
  • Union County “Beat Breast Cancer” Pink T-Shirt Fundraiser for Susan G. Komen Foundation
  • Union Count Cheers for Charity Snapple Bowl

In the 2015-2016 school year the JDHS Cheerleading assisted Union County Cheers for Charity in raising over $4,500 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation.