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Boys Basketball


Head Coach
Robert Martin



Assistant Coaches
David Steinman
Lindsey Stearns


Schedules can be obtained by going to RSchool Today.



Below this letter you will find your Summer Strength and Conditioning Manual. It contains a blueprint for what you need to do over the course of the summer. Before you begin your workouts, please read the entire manual to become familiar with what is expected of you over the next ten weeks and prior to school opening in the fall.

Games during the season are won through preparation. Preparation like this starts with your summer strength and conditioning program. It is the workouts you push yourself through after work during the summer and after school in the fall that will pay off in the end. Ultimately, you are accountable to yourselves as individuals and more importantly to the entire team. If you keep this in your mind and in your heart then you will allow yourself to GIVE THIS SEASON YOUR BEST SHOT.

Everyone talks about winning. Everyone wants to be a winner. The question is: Is everyone on this team willing to do what it takes to be a winner? If you need motivation to attack a workout this summer then think about the level of play we faced last year and how we matched up against that level of play. We belong to a strong basketball conference and we expect to compete for a conference championship each year. We also expect to qualify for the state tournament as we did in 2008.

Follow the prescribed summer program with intensity and commit yourself to it. Leave no doubt in your mind as to what will be the outcome of this basketball season. Enjoy the process of success.

Get better each day,

Coach Martin

Recent Accomplishments

11 Conference Titles

5  Sectional Titles 

5 Joe Pepe Tournament Titles

1 State Title

Conference Champions

Sectional Champions

Joe Pepe Memorial Tournament Champions

State Champions: 1950